Coach and Horses, Ickenham, Middlesex ( #August2016PubPerDay number 2)   3 comments

Coach and Horses Ickenham sign


Day Two of the August Pub Per Day Challenge was rainy but not so bad as Day One and my run from the bus resulted in me arriving at the Coach and Horses more sweaty than rain-soaked.  As I headed toward the door upon finishing the photographic evidence, four twenty-somethings that had been lingering out front poked one another and scurried ahead obviously eager to get their order for complicated soft drinks in ahead of my simple, exact change order for a pint…dicks.


Coach and Horses Ickenham garden

One nice thing about being back in the Southeast is the reappearance of Adnam’s ales.  I ordered one and the barmaid poured it up with 2 inches of head then called out, “three pound fifty.”

“Ehhhhrrrrrmmmm…no,” I responded with a tilt of the head toward the tap which was marked £3.10, which I had already counted out.  “Well, then, how much does it say?” she challenged obviously aware that my job requires me to question calculations several thousand times a day.  Once sorted, I left the spacious and specious surroundings in favour of the beer garden out back.  The rain started, a light mist.

Here’s the map.

Coach and Horses Ickenham

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